This article covers the basics for refunds within Boom. For full details, please refer to our Terms of Service and feel free to contact us with any questions.


Membership accounts and upgrades are non-refundable. We make rare exceptions for situations like accidentally purchasing a membership twice. To request a membership refund, please contact us via the Help Center.


Points are non-refundable and non-transferrable. 

Points that have been spent to acquire resources are only refundable (and the resource will be removed from your Library) if the resources is defective, inaccurate, or otherwise not as advertised or violates our terms of use. Before requesting a refund, we recommend that you reach out to the author of the resource using the Feedback tool-- this will inform the author of the issue and they may update the material to correct it.

If you have contacted an author but your issue has not been resolved, you may contact us through the Help Center and provide the name of the deck and the author name to request a refund. Please also state the reason.

If you have points in an account that you plan to DELETE, you must contact us before deleting for us to process a refund for unused points. If you bought points in bulk and then request a partial refund, your refund will be reduced to account for the fact that you are no longer eligible for the discounted price.