Remember that both teachers and STUDENTS will see the title of your deck.

Name it something sensible for students. Don’t try to stuff your titles. If you use a #keyword for a sale, go back and remove it promptly.

As your materials might be used for remediation, leave out words about grade level (like "preschool") and "remediation." Those belong in your grade level indicators and your keywords. Grade levels selected should be for the content level, not the student age level.

The description, the keywords, and the grade level are all wonderful ways (in addition to the title) to communicate to potential buyers what your deck teaches. We don't weight search based on the frequency of word appearance so don't overload your description.

For example, you make fourth-grade level (when judged by standards) remedial fractions materials for developmentally disabled high school students. 

  • Your title should be something like - Fractions Wheels for Me. 
  • Your grade level should be tagged as 4th. 
  • And your description should say something like: Intervention and remediation deck suitable for upper elementary, middle school and high school students who struggle with fractions. fractions fraction wheels developmentally disabled response to intervention spectrum 

For tips and tricks on how to optimize your titles check out the article Authors: Optimizing Product Discoverability