Boom Learning uses points to facilitate low transaction cost exchanges, to foster exchanges of learning material between those who need great content and those who make it. With points you can pick up images as you need them, for as little as the equivalent of 5 cents. Without the points system, we would have to have cart minimums. With points, no minimums when adding learning resources to your cart.
To add a deck to your library you will need to have sufficient points.
You can check your points balance by clicking the cart in the top right corner from the navigation bar.
Just below the search box you'll see this section:
Points are acquired by purchasing a Points Package to add more points to your account. You can click on the Points Package buy button at any time to add points to your account. It will pop up a window with the full price. When you click "OK" it will take you to PayPal to check out and the points will be added to your Store Credit.
To add items to your cart, click on the item. When you have added all the decks, images, and fonts you desire to your cart, click the cart icon in the top right corner.
Your cart will display the items in it and your wish listist items. To remove an item from your cart, click "Move to Wishlist". If you don't have enough points to checkout, it will offer you a Points Package large enough to acquire what you have in your cart (see the example below). For Wishlist items you can take one of two actions: "Move to Cart" or "Remove Wishlist". If you are short on points at checkout, checkout will require you to first purchase a points package and then you will need to return to your cart to check out your items using the points you purchased.
You can see your Wishlist at any time by clicking the Cart icon.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at or call us at (833) WOW-BOOM. A real human will happily help you!