Report Your Income Even if you Do not Receive a 1099

As a Publisher, you are responsible for reporting income even if you do not receive a 1099. You can find your income for any year, by going to Studio, Sales, and look under Payments. We sort your Payments by year and provide annual subtotals of your Earnings (after your service fee to Boom Learning), less any fee you paid to Paypal to receive your Earnings, and a Net Earnings number. You may need one or more of these numbers, depending on your state tax code. We treat you as a wholesaler so your earnings are the amounts paid to you.

You will receive a 1099-K from Paypal if 

  • You have more than 200 total PayPal payments and more than $20,000 in gross PayPal proceeds;
  • You live in Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland and have $600 USD in gross payment volume from sales of goods or services in a single calendar year regardless of the number of transactions;
  • You live in Illinois and have $1,000 USD in gross payment volume of goods or services in a single calendar year with at least 4 payment transactions processed.

You can learn more about 1099's and Paypal here: How does PayPal report my sales to the IRS?

Boom Learning issued 1099-NECs

You will only receive a 1099 from Boom Learning if you did not receive your payments via PayPal. You will receive a 1099-NEC from Boom Learning if you have more $600 in Boom Cards gross sales. If you meet this threshold, we will ask you to complete a W-9 and submit it to us. A sample form is attached to this FAQ. 

For specific advice on how to report your income without a 1099 form, please contact a tax professional or visit