This article will walk you through how to connect your Clever account to your Boom Learning account. If you aren't sure that your school's Clever account is set up to support integration with Boom, please contact your school administrator.


What is Clever integration and how does it work with Boom?

Clever integration allows you to connect your Clever account in the same way you can connect a Google or Microsoft account. Boom Learning supports Clever Single Sign-On (SSO), which grants the following benefits:

  • Teachers can create a new Boom account with their Clever account, or connect Clever to their existing Boom account
  • Teachers can import their Clever roster
  • Imported students can log into Boom with their Clever account

Linking Your Clever Account 

First, make sure you are signed in as a teacher on Boom. If you don't have an account yet, you can create a new one here.

Once you are signed in, click the Menu button in the upper right corner. Then, click on "My Settings".

In your account settings, you will see some options for connecting external accounts to Boom. Click on the Clever "switch" and turn it on.

You will then be prompted to log into your Clever account. Once your login is confirmed, you're all set! 

The Boom Cards app needs to be added as a Clever Library app by teachers (not by a district admin). Your school admin might need to enable the Library for teachers to add the app. Once added to your Clever dashboard, you can click on the Boom application to log directly into your account. 

Importing Clever Rosters

Once you have linked your Clever account to your Boom account, you can import students directly from Clever. First, navigate to your Classes tab. In the left column below the "Import from" header, click on the Clever button.

You may be prompted to enter your Clever credentials if you are not already logged in. From there, you can choose which class you would like to import to Boom. Clever will import the entire roster from the selected class; it is not currently an option to choose specific students to import individually.

When you have made your selection, a new classroom is added to your Classes tab. If you click on it, you will see your students are now listed in the Students tab of the class. Each student will have a Clever logo beside their avatar and their username will display as "none":

Your students will now be able to click on the Boom application from their Clever dashboard to log in without needing to enter a username or password. 

To learn how to assign materials to your students, please refer to this guide: Assigning, Un-assigning, and Playing Boom Cards.

Troubleshooting: Students Won't Import

If you are following the above steps to import your Clever students but they are not appearing in your Boom account, your administrator may need to give your district's Clever account permission to integrate with Boom. Please contact your admin to address this issue first; if they have any further questions, let them know that they can reach out to us at