1. Transparency Principle
The evolving ethical consensus is that transparency is the best approach to using AI. We ask that you disclose in your descriptions the extent who which AI was used in the creation of your works, including whether you used it to edit or modify your original creations or whether you used it to create novel images or text.
2. AI Image Generators
Except as explicitly allowed in this policy, use of AI Image Generators is FORBIDDEN. There are a number of open lawsuits against several AI Image Generators. Only the AI Image Generators listed in this FAQ are deemed suitable for use with schools and in Boom Cards.
2.1. Making Novel (New) Images
Use of AI Image Generators to generate novel images is permitted ONLY using the following AI tools:
- Adobe Firefly
- Shutterstock AI
- Getty Images AI
2.2. Using Images Made Using AI
Including AI generated images purchased from any source other than Adobe, Shutterstock, or Getty images is prohibited for materials published to the Store.
2.3. Editing Your Own Images
Use of AI Image Generators to modify your own images is permitted using if you upload your own art and ask the tool to edit it. For the absence of doubt: "your own images" means images you created yourself that are not a copy of the works of another. AI images that are derived from the creativity of other persons where such creativity is still covered by copyright or by moral rights are not permitted. We recommend that you use a professional, business or enterprise AI Image Generation software that designed to on your own models, such as Invoke.
In all cases you should not use an AI generated art that makes a subject look unflattering or otherwise could be perceived as casting the subject in an unflattering light.
2.4. Disclosure/Citations
You must disclose to customers, and the public the extent to which AI was used to generate novel images. Use words like: "AI image generated using [tool]." You must name the tool used to create the AI image. You are not required, but you are encouraged, to disclose the use of AI to edit images you own. Even if you do not disclose that AI edited your novel images, you are required to add to the Acknowledgements that you are the source of your images.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I buy images from a designer and they used an AI Generator allowed in Section 2.1, can I use that image?
Yes you can, please give credit to the designer in acknowledgements and add required disclaimers from Section 2.4.
If I buy images from a designer and they use an AI to modify their original artwork, can I use that image?
Yes you can, please give credit to the designer in acknowledgements and add required disclaimers from Section 2.4. You will be responsible for ensuring the image complies with Section 2.2 (approved image generators) and Section 2.3 (non-infringing and non-disparaging).
3. AI Text Supportive Tools
Users may elect to use AI to help develop the content of their Boom Cards. Doing so is permitted. All content added to the store, regardless of how generated must adhere to our Acceptable Use Policies for Public Authors. Lack of care, particularly around the factual accuracy of information and the creation of intentional copies of copyrighted works will result in action against your account up to and including forfeiture and banning. You must fact check all AI generated content to ensure it does not include hallucinations.
4. Boom's Use of AI
Although the Boom Learning app does not have AI features at this time, we do use AI supportive tools in our business.
We are sharing here our AI Policy for your reference. Contact legal@boomlearning.com if you have questions about our AI Policy.
Use of AI in our Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI) exists where a machine has been trained (as opposed to programmed) to imitate the human cognitive skills of perception, pattern recognition, and decision-making. It has promise but is only as good as the data it is trained on. We may use AI in our business by creating it ourselves, adopting AI from others, or a combination of using the algorithms of others with our own modifications or our own data.
The ethical use of AI requires that employees who choose to use AI are transparent with each other, employees, candidates, and customers about when and how we use AI
- give customers a choice about whether to rely on AI or not
- ensure that AI use never discloses the personal information of any employee or customer to another customer or another business (such as an AI provider)
- select AI tools that do not have built-in bias (in the context of AI "bias" means systematic distortions resulting from insufficiently broad training libraries or algorithms that result in distorted results)
- managers must supervise AI use in their divisions and ensure proper training
- managers are accountable for their selection of AI to use in their divisions and for ensuring they conduct adequate due diligence and develop adequate training for their team members
- use of AI is ethical and comports with business policies and procedures
- all "factual" outputs from an AI must be independently fact-checked before being published as "fact" and all errors corrected
- all outputs shall be examined for bias and revised to remove bias
- professional judgment cannot be delegated to an AI
- prompts that require professional judgment to arrive at a correct answer must be written and evaluated by a person with the requisite professional judgement who is sufficiently skilled to evaluate the probability of distortions or hallucinations in the answer and with the tools to check the result against reliable professional resources
Privacy and Security First
Employees and contractors may NEVER enter data into a third-party AI vendor's system that could provide a third party with access to the confidential information of the company or the personal information of an employee, contractor, candidate, or customer without legal approval and an agreement in place protecting the privacy and security of the information. Information should never be entered that could expose a vulnerability in our system to the eyes of unethical parties.
Traceability and Recordkeeping
Any decision to create or deploy AI shall documented. Developers deploying AI are responsible for ensuring the training data and the resulting AI product results are appropriate, free of bias, and accurate. Any internally developed AI should be "traceable", meaning we contemporaneously document the provenance of any included data, processes, and outcomes involved in the production of the AI model. Documentation shall include
- the business rationale
- data included
- risk assessments (including bias, privacy, and cybersecurity risks)
- design and development specifications
- testing results
- deployment records
- post-deployment risk monitoring and mitigation
People, Likenesses and More
AI can be a powerful tool for editing, correcting, and improving pictures and videos. However, people have rights in the use of their likenesses. If the subject of the editing has not explicitly signed a release giving us consent to make edits to an image or video, do not use any tool, including AI tools to do so. As a general rule, never edit in a way that can be perceived as disparaging towards the subject. Finally, it is absolutely forbidden to us AI to impersonate an individual for any purpose without express consent to use the persons likeness, whether or not their was intent to defraud. AI edited images should always be labeled as AI edited.