It’s now easier than ever to track External Redemptions! This tool was designed to give you full control over managing your external redemptions, whether you prefer a hands-on or hands-off approach.
In this tool you can clear verified redemptions, dispute questionable redemptions, and manage pending disputes.
When a dispute is opened against a buyer, their account is prevented from redeeming external redemptions until the dispute is resolved. You should only submit good faith disputes where you believe it to be a pirated redemption.
Where to find the Redemption Review Tool
In your Studio under Seller Tools, you can find the Redemption Review button.
What can you do in the Redemption Review Tool?
In the Redemption Review Tool, you can clear a verified purchase, dispute a questionable redemption, reverse a timed-out dispute, and manage pending disputes.
The clear button will remove the redemption from the Redemption Review Tool. It will be removed from view when the page is refreshed or when you leave the page.
You can find all of your external redemptions at any time in the External Redemption Page.
If you clear a redemption and want to Un-clear the redemption, you can for up to 60 days.
All cleared Redemptions within the 60 days window will have a link to unclear in the External Redemption Page.
When you click the link, you will see title of the deck and a red Unclear button. Once the redemption is uncleared you will see it in your Redemption Review Tool again where you can initiate a redemption dispute.
The Dispute button will allow you to reach out to the buyer directly with redemption questions.
You have the opportunity to check one or more items that you need more information about. You can also add a brief message to the buyer.
An example is shown below:
Once a dispute is opened, you will see a red exclamation point next to the disputed information.
In the example below, the seller disputed the order number.
The buyer will be provided the opportunity to correct the information they provided at the time of redemption and add a short message back or withdraw their redemption.
An example of what the buyer will see is below:
Response Time Limit
Once you dispute a redemption, the buyer has 7 days to answer. Please note, there are grace periods extended during seasonal school breaks. If they do not answer, the product will be removed from their Library. Their external redemptions will remain locked.
Similarly to the Buyer's time limit to respond, you have 7 days to respond to the buyer before they automatically "win" the dispute. If you do not respond within 7 days the buyer will keep the redemption and they will be able to redeem external purchases. If you do not respond to a buyer's response in 7 days, you will see Tacit approval in your Redemption Review Tool.
Example below:
Reverse Dispute
If the buyer did not reply in time, they will lose the access to the redemption and they will have a permanent External Redemption Lock on their account.
If you are contacted externally by the buyer with proof of purchase and you would like to return the redemption to their account, you can reverse the dispute using the Reverse Dispute button, shown below.
The Reverse Dispute button will:
- Remove the External Redemption Lock from the Buyers account.
- Add the disputed redemption back to their account
- Reapply the external redemption fee to your account
- The external redemption fee will reflect in the following month's pay cycle
You can unblock your customers at any time, there is no time limit.
When a Dispute is reversed, a new line will be created in the Redemption review Tool.
You will see 3 entries total in the tool, the original redemption entry, the previous refund issued at the time of your "win", and the new entry with the date the reversal occurred with the message "Approved Final".
A Buyer Withdrawing their redemption will remove the deck from their Library and direct them to the listing of the redeemed product in the Boom Store so they can buy the deck in Boom. If a customer withdrew their redemption, it will look like this:
You will see "Withdrawn by Buyer" in red as well as a Refund credit issued to you that refunds the fee to your account balance.
Dispute Review
You can review pending disputes from your tool using the Review Dispute button.
When you click Review Dispute before a response is received from the buyer, your view will be similar to the screen below:
You will be able to see the disputed information and the message, if one was sent. You can withdraw a dispute at any time during the dispute process using the blue withdraw button. That action will unlock the redeemer's external redemptions.
Once a response is received you will see View Reply in your chart.
When they reply, you will see the new information below their original provided information. It will be displayed in red. If they sent a reply message, it would also show there.
Example below:
You can reject the information at this stage and the buyer will have one more opportunity to provide the correct information before the redeemed item is removed from their Library. Buyers who lose a dispute lose their ability to make external redemptions.
Accepting or Rejecting Provided Information
If you accept the response from the buyer, the redemption will be marked as approved in the redemption tool so you can see past resolved disputes. Provided the buyer has no other open disputes, they will be able to make external redemptions again.
If you Revoke the redemption after new information is provided by the buyer for the second time, or if the buyer Withdraws their redemption. You will see a new row in your redemption tool "Refund Credit". That means that the external redemption fee for that redemption was refunded and credited to your account balance. Both examples are shown below:
Searching, Filter, and Sort your Redemption Tool
We understand if you have a lot of external redemptions, it can be overwhelming to comb through all of the data. To combat this, we have multiple ways to organize your data so you can find what you're looking for easily.
You can find a helpful video at the end of this section so you can see what Searching, Filtering, and Sorting look like in action!
You can use the search bar at the top of the page to search by Buyer name, Product Title and Order Number.
Here is an example:
You can now Filter in the Redemption Tool by Status using the drop down menu.
The statuses you can filter by include Buyer replied - Action required, Waiting for reply, Approved, Revoked, Buyer withdrew, and Refund credit.
Buyer replied - Action required - The Buyer replied to your dispute, your action is required. If you do not reply within 7 days the buyer will automatically "win" the dispute.
Waiting for reply - You sent them a dispute and you are waiting on their reply. If they do not reply within 7 days, you will automatically "win" the dispute.
Approved - You approved their redemption after disputing the redemption. You could have approved the information they provide, or you changed your mind before they responded.
Revoked - You received 2 replies from the buyer and they did not satisfy your request for proof and you revoked their access to their redemption. You "won" your redemption challenge.
Buyer withdrew - The buyer withdrew their external redemption. You "won" your redemption challenge.
Refund credit - You won your Redemption Challange in any of the ways listed above and this reflects the fee refund to your account balance.
You can click on the blue column Titles to sort the data in the chart. Click "Buyer Name" to sort your chart by the data in the Buyer Name column.
Below the chart is sorted by Redemption date, the most recent redemption is shown higher up in the chart.
Here is that video we promised:
Frequently Asked Questions
- What does Withdrawn by Buyer mean?
- Buyer withdrew from dispute, thereby withdrawing the redemption, and your account is refunded or credited the accompanying external fee
- What does Refund Credit mean?
- Buyer withdrew. The Dispute was ended, the redemption is removed from the buyer's Library and your account is refunded or credited the accompanying external fee
- Publisher rejected buyer reply. The Dispute was ended, the redemption is removed from the buyer's Library and your account is refunded or credited the accompanying external fee
- Why is the same order number entered in more than one redemption?
- If your items are listed using the TPT Bundle Tool, your customers will individually redeem items in the bundle. Boom cannot determine if a redemption is a part of a bundle without use of a Bundle Redemption link.
- Multiple items were purchased at check out by the buyer.
- Purchase of multiple licenses in an external site
- Shared redemption links
- What happens if a buyer "makes it right" by buying on an external site instead of Boom?
- This a business decision you need to make.
- We suggest resolving the dispute as they paid you on the external site to maintain a positive relationship with your customer base.
- The customer cannot redeem the deck a second time and you will not be charged a second fee.
- If you are worried about nefarious activity like the customer requesting a refund for an unredeemed purchase; we can remove the deck from the buyer's Library with proof of refund.
- The Buyer name didn't match so I challenged it!
- Sometime a Buyer will change the name when the name is challenged. All name changes are up to you on whether to honor them. We recommend that you consider honoring name changes that come with explanations - such as our school secretary made the purchase. We recommend you consider not honoring changes made without explanation.
- We recommend that when challenging a name that does not match, that you state "The name provided does not match what is in my records."
If you have any dispute questions or feedback on these features, send it to—we’d love to hear from you!